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【Hayama】|Authentic Italian ingredients are available at “TANTO TEMPO”, a handsome Italian ALIMENTARI on a street corner in Hayama

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Hello there! This is Hayama-Navi, introducing wonderful stores and places in Hayama-town, Kanagawa prefecture.

I would like to introduce “TANTO TEMPO” in Hayama, where you can find authentic Italian food 🙌.
I remember being impressed when I came across this shop when I was into Italian food.

The store is reminiscent of an Italian alimentari (grocery store) and is filled with specialty foods for the enjoyment of visitors.

The store caters to a wide range of customers, from specialty vendors to local shoppers.

It is a great place for those who cook for themselves, those who enjoy a glass of wine with ham and cheese, and those who want to take out an authentic panini for lunch.

It is the best Italian alimentari in Hayama!



Tanto Tempo is located on the mountain side of Hayama, a short distance from the ocean. It is located in a corner of the city, not far from Morito Beach and Zushi Station.

Parking for three cars is available a short distance away, making it very convenient.

There is no station in Hayama. The nearest station is Zushi Station. There are 10 parking lots for cars, so access is easy. Please note that the parking lot is hilly and narrow in places.


Tanto Tempo” opened in 2004, and this year marks the 20th anniversary of its establishment! It is wonderful.

Introduction of the store

The store offers a variety of Italian-style foods such as olive oil, pasta, balsamic, anchovies, etc. Cured ham, salami, and cheese by weight are popular, and you can buy one type in small quantities at reasonable prices.

The specialty store also offers a lineup of homemade Italian delicacies and desserts.


I’m insanely happy to have a specialty store like this in Hayama💦.

Once inside the store, you will find the compact store packed with products. The excitement never ceases to build as you see a lineup of rare and unusual foodstuffs that you would not normally see in everyday life.

The showcase in the front of the store is filled with cured hams, cheeses, and prepared foods.

The cured hams and cheeses are not easily available in supermarkets around here.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) is currently suspending imports of pork and other products from Italy, which has led to a shortage of Italian products. Even so, the selection was more than sufficient.

My husband is addicted to making pasta after watching Chef Ogura’s Italian cooking course given by Youtube, and he uses “pancetta”, which is not sold in supermarkets. He was so happy to find a specialty store so close by!

I was also able to find Italian peppers and peperoncino, which are hard to find in supermarkets. I don’t know how many supermarkets I had to go through before I found this store.

I buy Parmigiano-Reggiano, a staple in Italian cuisine, at this store and sprinkle it lavishly over my pasta. It is the best.

Many specialty ingredients are available in addition to the weighted items. Anchovies and squid ink paste are also available. You don’t see this in normal Japanese food shop.

You can also choose from a wide variety of balsamic, vinegar, and olive oils.

Capers, also delicious in pasta and salads. The other day I put it in a potato salad. It was delicious.

Side dishes Desserts Take-away food

Tanto Tempo also offers a wide variety of homemade side dishes and desserts. The manager told me that they have a separate place nearby where they process their ingredients and make them by hand.

The menu includes a variety of salads such as salsa and pickles, dry curries, lasagna, and other side dishes.

And then there are the sweets. There are puddings, panna cotta, scones, cheesecake and tiramisu, all delicious.

And I am happy to say that they are reasonably priced.

Panini takeout is available! This time I bought a prosciutto ham panini!

The panini was filled with a large portion of prosciutto. The bread was too big to eat in one sitting. I had the panini baked again, so the surface of the bread was crispy and the generous amount of prosciutto ham had a nice salty flavor.

There are good hiking trails in Hayama nearby, so I think buying a panini and having a picnic on top of the mountain or at Morito Beach would be a great way to spend your time in Hayama.

Baby and child note

Babies and children are welcome!


訪問日 (Date of visit)2024/8/8(Thursday)Weekdays at 11:30 a.m.
訪問人数 (# of visitors)1 person: Easy to enter by yourself.
混雑具合 (How crowded?)I was alone when I visited, but a few minutes later there was one group, and a few minutes after that another group, and another group, so there were many customers in the small store. I think it is better to order first and then see inside the store because it takes a long time to order by weight or panini takeout.
使った金額 (How much did I spend?)About 2,000 yen (including 800 yen for panini)
食事提供待ち時間 (Waiting time till food arrive)about 10 mins
ゆっくりできる度 (How long can I stay?)Unfortunately, it is a take-out store, so you can’t relax that much, but take your time to look around the store.
店内雑音 (Noise)It is basically quiet.
セールスポイント (selling point)You can easily purchase Italian food ingredients. You can also purchase homemade authentic Italian delicacies.
改善して欲しいところ (Areas for improvement)Basically, the manager is a one-man operation, so it takes time for weighing and selling. This is unavoidable.


タント テンポ(TANTO TEMPO)
神奈川県三浦郡葉山町堀内744ー7 ラ・ポール葉山1F
La Pole Hayama 1F, 744-7 Horiuchi, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa-ken
Operation Hour
09:00 – 19:00
Day off
水 定休日
For those coming by car
At the Nagara intersection on Route 134, go south toward the Hayama Imperial Villa. At the signal before the Hayama Tunnel, turn right toward Morito-kaigan. You will see a green and white striped awning on your immediate right.
By train or bus
From JR Zushi Station or Keikyu Shin-Zushi Station, take the bus bound for Hayama and get off at Kazahayabashi. Head in the direction of Hayama Imperial Villa, and turn right toward Morito Kaigan before the Hayama Tunnel. You will see a green and white striped awning on your immediate right.
有 3台 少し離れた場所にあります
Yes! for 3 cars!
関連サイトInstagram homepage


This was an introduction to an authentic Italian food store in Hayama.

This is an authentic food store where even vendors come to stock up. Whether you are into Italian food or just come to check out the rare ingredients, you are sure to find something to suit your tastes at Amentari in Hayama, Italy.

I highly recommend this place!


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