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Yokosuka|“Nanyoutei” in South-Hayama, supreme soup curry! Fried chicken is the best ♡

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Hello there! This is Hayama-Navi, introducing wonderful stores and places in Hayama-town, Kanagawa prefecture.
This time, I will introduce an excellent restaurant in Akiya, Yokosuka, a town next to Hayama.

I would like to introduce my favorite restaurant “Nanyoutei” located in Minami Hayama, near Hayama 🙌
Whenever my family and friends come to Hayama, I always take them to this restaurant.

Nanyoutei is an excellent soup curry restaurant located in Akiya, Yokosuka, a neighboring town of Hayama. It is quite close to Hayama, about 5 minutes by car from the town. Akiya is called west Hayama.

It is the best soup curry I have ever had in my life.

I highly recommend this place.

Introduction of”Nanyoutei”


Nanyoutei” is located in a neighboring town of Hayama. There is no train station nearby, and Zushi Station is the closest station. From there, it is only one bus ride away, which takes about 20 minutes.

Nearby are Tateishi Beach, Marloes, and Akiya Beach.

here is no station in Hayama. The nearest station is Zushi Station. There are 10 parking lots for cars, so access is easy. Please note that the parking lot is hilly and narrow in places.


“Nanyoutei” opened in 2009.

It has been 15 years this year. I think it is very difficult to remain a popular restaurant for a long period of time.

Restaurant Introduction

The restaurant is on the second floor of the building. There is a large terrace in the front, which seems larger than inside of the restaurant.

Even in summer, there are many people eating outside because of the sunshades. The area is surrounded by tropical trees and greenery, and you can see the ocean in front of you!


Outside terrace is great in the fall! You can also use the terrace in the summer, although it is a little hot 💦.

The terrace has counter seating and the best seats with a side-by-side view of the ocean. There is also table seating in the back.

There is a big ocean in front of you, people doing SUP, boats, etc. passing by. Around the house are beautiful houses that look like big villas. The house in front is orange, the color of Nanyoutei, and I always wonder if that house belongs to the master of Nanyoutei. Maybe!

Tropical trees surround the area, creating a great atmosphere.

Mt.Fuji can be seen from there when the weather is good!

The seating inside the restaurant is also spacious. There is a large window, and you can see the ocean from inside the restaurant.

If you want to see the ocean for sure, please go to the terrace because the western sun shines in late and the customers near the window close the blinds!

The view of the ocean from the window is also great.


The main menu is soup curry with lots of vegetables.

I always order a set menu. The most recommended set is the “meat lover Set” for 1,750 yen, which includes an appetizer salad, soup curry, fried chicken, and a drink.

It is only available on weekdays, but I believe there is a similar set available on holidays as well, although the price changes a bit.

What you should definitely try is the fried chicken.

Nanyoutei is particular about vegetables. They choose fresh vegetables from the local Miura Peninsula, as well as ingredients directly from Kyushu, Hokkaido, where they can see the producers’ faces.

Whether it is the salad as an appetizer or the vegetables in the curry, it is truly delicious. I feel like my body is happy.

There are two soup bases for the soup curry: one chicken and one seafood based. And they have 88 levels of spiciness! They also have many toppings and rice dishes to choose from, allowing you to pursue your own unique soup curry style.

I always ask for the meaty set of soup curry with ten kinds of vegetables. It is very satisfying with a lot of vegetables in it.

The spices are quite effective, so it is quite spicy even at a normal level, but it is excellent!

And one thing you absolutely cannot miss is the fried chicken. This fried chicken is better than any other fried chicken I have had in any restaurant.

The batter is crispy, the inside is juicy and moist, and when you bite into it, the meat falls off the bone. It is spicy and delicious. Even without the curry, I could go the restaurant just for the fried chicken by itself.

I wish I could somehow make it myself, but it seems impossible!

A woman is quite full with this set. I think it is safe to ask for a small amount of rice.

A drink is included.

Baby and child note

Babies and children are welcome. Please note that the restaurant is on the second floor and there are steep stairs. You may want to leave your baby carriage downstairs.

If the season is good, the terrace is spacious.

The parking lot is right in front of the restaurant for easy access.

Fact sheet

訪問日 (Date of visit)2024/8/6(Tue)Weekday 11:30 noon
訪問人数 (# of visitors)2 people: Easy to enter by yourself.
混雑具合 (How crowded?)On weekdays, if you can enter the restaurant by 11:30 a.m., you can make a reservation for the same day by calling around 10:00 a.m. that day. Reservations are recommended if you want to be sure of getting in without waiting, as the restaurant is crowded even on weekdays.
使った金額 (How much did I spend?)1,750 per person (Carnivore set, weekdays only)
食事提供待ち時間 (Waiting time till food arrive)about 15 min
ゆっくりできる度 (How long can I stay?)You can relax, but it is a popular restaurant, so if there are people waiting, leave early. It is okay to at least take your time to have a cup of coffee.
店内雑音 (Noise)It is a pleasant noise. It is not noisy.
セールスポイント (selling point)Soup curry with lots of vegetables and excellent fried chicken. Definitely try the fried chicken. The fries are also delicious.
And the view is wonderful.
改善して欲しいところ (Areas for improvement)Nothing in particular, but I guess it is too crowded on weekends and you need to be prepared to go there.


5290-1 Akiya, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa, 240-0105
Operation Hour
月・火・水・金・土・日 (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun)
11:00 – 15:00L.O. 14:30
17:00 – 20:30L.O. 19:30
Day off
木 定休日
For those coming by car
From JR Zushi Station, drive south on Route 134 toward Sashima Marina. 40 meters from the Kumano Shrine traffic light is the orange building in front.
Parking for 10 cars is available.

For those coming by train or bus
From JR Zushi Station, take the Zushi 7, Zushi 71, or Zushi 72 bus on the Keihin Kyuko Line. The orange building on the second floor is the restaurant.
有 10台
Yes! for 10 cars!
関連サイトInstagram homepage


This was an introduction to Nanyoutei, located in Minami Hayama.

I have been to this restaurant more than 10 times and have never had a bad experience.

All my friends and family I have taken to this restaurant have been satisfied. I really recommend this restaurant!


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