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A small baked sweets studio in Hayama ♡“Ma chouchoute”♡ Former famous foreign chef opened his own store in Hayama!

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Hello there! This is Hayama-Navi, introducing wonderful stores and places in Hayama-town, Kanagawa prefecture.

I would like to introduce a new store that opened this summer in Hayama! The name is “Ma chouchoute” 🙌 It means “my favorite” in French.

“Ma chouchoute” opened on the site of ‘Hayama Cookie Muscat,’ which I have always loved. I had been waiting for this news for a long time, as I had been suffering from Hayama Cookie Muscat loss.

From the time the store was preparing to open, I was excited every day, wondering what kind of store it would be. I was very happy when I found out that there would be a baked sweets shop.

Let me introduce it to you.

『Ma chouchoute』

The location

Ma chouchoute is located in town, a short distance from the ocean. It is located in a residential area one step away from the main street of Hayama where the town hall, Hayama Elementary School, and various retail stores are located.

It is located along Sakura Street where cherry blossoms are in full bloom in the spring. Traffic is very convenient to get there.

One parking space is conveniently located in front of the store.

There is no station in Hayama. The nearest station is Zushi Station. There is one parking lot, but it is very easy to park there if it is available.


Ma chouchoute” opened on August 1, 2024! Chef Muto-san is a local who has lived in Hayama for 25 years.

What a surprise! Muto-san trained in France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and worked as a chef at famous foreign hotels in Tokyo and Yokohama.

He has also represented Japan in world competitions and has won awards.

As a Hayama local, I am very happy to know that such an amazing person is here in Hayama and that he has opened his own shop.

Shop introduction

The store is a cute little baked sweets store. The shop offers a wide variety of sweets such as madeleines, cookies, and financiers.

If you have good timing, you can buy freshly baked madeleines and financiers, which are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside.


There were freshly baked madeleines and financiers when I was there! The store was full of good smells.

One thing that stands out is the sign outside. Two adorable cats are the stars of the sign. The mascot character of the store, which appears on cookie packages, stickers, and on the website, is the owner’s beloved cat.

It was designed by an illustrator named Hoshi-san, and is very cute.

There are no bad people who love cats. The sign also conveys Muto-san’s good-natured personality.

The store had just opened and was decorated with many congratulatory flowers.


Congratulations on the opening of your store! I will keep coming back to your store.

It is a very small store, so customers enter the store one pair at a time.

Cute ♡ delicious 😋 sweets

Ma chouchoute sells a wide variety of baked goods, both in bulk and in assortments. The main products are Western-style confections.

The assortment of baked goods comes in a variety of shapes, types, and sizes. Some are reasonably priced, making them perfect for Hayama souvenirs.

Among them, this “HAYAMA tin” is a little expensive, but I thought it would be perfect when sending a souvenir to an important person.

I wanted to buy it when I give it as a gift to someone important.

Individually wrapped cookies are available in a wide variety of baked goods, including chocolates and hojicha.

There were madeleines and a freshly baked financier corner. The aroma of sweet happiness filled the store.

Unfortunately, I bought some sweets as a gift for my parents on that day, so I gave up on the freshly baked ones because they have a shorter shelf life than the cooled ones, but I will definitely buy them next time!

The cold madeleines and the financier were also delicious ♡!

The sticker with the kitty mark is cute.

Cookie tins for cats and cat lovers. I am also an incomparable cat lover.

Baby and child note

Babies and children are welcome!

Fact sheet

訪問日 (Date of visit)2024/8/8(Thursday)Weekday 13:00
訪問人数 (# of visitors)1 person: Easy to enter by yourself.
混雑具合 (How crowded?)I was alone when I visited. The restaurant is small, so you go in one group at a time.
使った金額 (How much did I spend?)about 2,000 JPY
待ち時間 (Waiting time )no waiting time
ゆっくりできる度 (How long can I stay?)N/A (Not available)
店内雑音 (Noise)very quiet
セールスポイント (selling point)Happy sweets made by a former chef of a famous foreign hotel are available in Hayama.
改善して欲しいところ (Areas for improvement)I like thick cookies and I would love to see it! I would also be happy to have a cake.


菓子工房Ma Chouchoute(マ・シュシュット)
1426-1 Isshiki, Hayama-cho, Miura-gun, Kanagawa-ken
Operation Hour
11:00 – 18:00
Day off
火・水 定休日
Tue Wed
1-2 minutes walk from bus stop Hayama Elementary School
有 1台 お店の目の前に1台分のスペースあります
Yes! for 1 car parking space is available in front of the store
関連サイトInstagram homepage


This was an introduction of “Ma chouchoute,” a small confectionery studio newly opened in Hayama.

It is an authentic confectionery shop opened in Hayama by Mr. Muto, a former chef of a famous foreign hotel who trained abroad.

I will be using this newly opened confectionery shop on the site of Hayama Cookie Muscat, which closed at the end of last year, for various occasions from now on.

Congratulations on the opening!

I hope everyone will try it as a Hayama souvenir!


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