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【Hayama】|American style Japanese food at『GOOD STOCK』healthy deli food♡

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Hello there! This is Hayama-Navi, introducing wonderful stores and places in Hayama-town, Kanagawa prefecture. Come visit Hayama! Hayama is rural small town with beautiful beaches and a lot of great shops/places!

Introducing “GOOD STOCK” in Hayama 🙌

GOOD STOCK is a restaurant inspired by a classic American grocery store from the 1960s. The atmosphere evokes the charm of a local eatery in the picturesque American countryside.

What a surprise! This delicatessen and restaurant is helmed by the former executive chef of “DEAN & DELUCA.” Their dishes, which make abundant use of fresh, local vegetables, are especially popular.

With a to-go deli, a café-restaurant, and a section selling products from local producers and food-themed goods, this is a place where you can browse, pick up something to take home, and elevate your home dining experience without needing to eat on the spot.

The deli restaurant is beloved by locals and is particularly popular among women.



“GOOD STOCK” is centrally located in Hayama, situated along a relatively busy road lined with famous bakeries such as “Ble dor Hayama.”

There is a large parking lot in front of the store, making it easily accessible.

There is no train station in Hayama, so the nearest station is JR Zushi station. From Zushi, it is around 20 minutes by bus.

Establishment and the owner-chef

“GOOD STOCK” opened in the summer of 2021, making this its third year in operation, so it’s still relatively new.

The owner-chef, Murakami-san, was the former executive chef at DEAN & DELUCA. After 18 years at DEAN & DELUCA, he decided to leave and start his own deli restaurant here in Hayama, marking the first in-house venture of its kind.

We are very fortunate to be able to enjoy the cuisine from such a renowned deli right here in Hayama.


The restaurant was recently petit-renovated and now has outside seating that will be pleasant in the fall. We are looking forward to the cooler weather.

It was hot that day, so I visited inside.


I always go to GOOD STOCK. I have been back more than 10 times, especially for deli take-out. Ever since the store was vacant and looking for a tenant, I have been thrilled and excited to see what they could do with this location, and I am happy that they have created the best deli!

Upon entering the restaurant, you will find a large box-shaped interior. It has the atmosphere of a stylish local American restaurant.

Right by the entrance is an area where DELI, wine, and other to-go items are sold.
The contents of the deli are shown below!

The recently reopened store had more merchandise in the merchandising area, making the store more lively!

After passing through the deli area and merchandising area, you will find a large café/restaurant space. The space between seats is wide and barrier-free with no steps. Baby baby carriages and wheelchairs are also allowed.

At the far end is an open kitchen. II gazed blankly at the staff working cheerfully and energetically in the kitchen.


I visited for lunch.

The lunch menu consists mainly of a deli menu, and the lineup includes pasta, cabbage rolls, and beef stew curry.

Whenever I come here, I always order the DELI Gozen (1,600 yen).

I never expected to find Japanese food in this American-style restaurant, but the DELI Gozen allows you to enjoy a meal with rice!

For the DELI Gozen: The five vegetable deli items shown in the picture come with it. It’s packed with vegetables!

I was too full to enjoy dessert this time, but the dessert menu is reasonably priced at 400 yen. It’s definitely a great deal.

Drink bar can be ordered for +300 yen. It is nice to be able to drink as much hot coffee, herbal tea, etc. as you like. This is especially a high point for those who stay longer!

Moms and housewife friends were happily refilling their drinks!

And my beloved Deli Gozen. On this day, it is a del set of seasonal corn rice, minestrone, freshly fried chicken with sweet Japanese sauce, and 5 kinds of vegetables.

It is a perfect mix of Japanese and Western cuisine.

Corn rice, corn is sweet and a nice accent.

Freshly fried chicken is a delight. It was very tasty with sweet sauce.
The last time I came here, I had fried oysters. It was hot and tasty then, too.

Plenty of vegetables are hidden inside the minestrone. Taken together with the acidity of the tomatoes, it is the perfect nutritious soup that will keep you going through the summer heat.

Five vegetable delicacies are served in cute little bowls. Each vegetable is fresh and crispy. It’s a perfect lunch that will make you feel very healthy.

I recommend this deli-gozen that I love so much.

takeaway Deli meal

Take-out deli was also available for sale.

You can also take home a deli menu of vegetables from the Deli Gozen.

Marinated purple cabbage is very popular. The recipe was published on Instagram. How generous!

My recommendation is the quiche. I take it home every time I come to the restaurant. It tastes best cold and is a great snack with drinks.

The smoked duck (1,300 yen) is a bit expensive for me, but it is so moist and delicious. Whenever I want to treat myself, I buy some and take it home. I recommend it!


The merchandising space is large and well-stocked with products. The products are lined with food-themed items.

There is a wide selection of food, wine, herbs and other beverages, cooking wear, plates, and more.

There are many stores in the Hayama neighborhood and goods from producers. It is a wonderful local collaboration.

Baby and child note

Babies and children are welcome. The aisles and seating are spacious, so children can be seated in buggies. There were many mothers with their children when I visited.

Parking is available in front of the restaurant for easy access.

The restaurant is very popular among mothers, housewives, and other women!

Fact sheet

Date of visit2024/7/25(Thursday)Weekday   12 noon
# of visitorsOne. Single person is welcome.
How crowded?It was very popular with the ladies and there were moms and housewives meetings going on. The seating was near full. Lunch can be crowded.
How much I paid?around1,800 JPY
Waiting time till food arrive15 min
How long can I stay?It can be quite relaxing. Mom’s group was held for quite a long time. There is plenty of seating in the restaurant, so you can stay relatively long.
There is a drink bar and after-lunch dessert.
NoiseThe restaurant is large, with no partitions, and there is a pleasant noise that reverberates with the sound.
Selling pointThe vegetable-rich menu prepared by a former famous restaurant chef is popular. The deli and other items are also available for purchase, so even if you don’t want to eat, feel free to stop by.
Areas for improvementI would love to see the introduction of take-out sweets!


Addresse599-4, 1F, Isshiki, Hayama, Miura District,
Kanagawa 240-0111
Opening hourMon・Tue・Thur・Fri・Sat・Sun
11:00 – 19:00
AccessKeikyu Bus from JR Zushi or Keikyu Shin-Zushi Station
1 minute walk from Isshiki Jutaku bus stop. 
Total time required is about 20 minutes from Zushi.
ParkingYes, about 9 cars in front of the store 
Note that the parking lot is on a slope!


I introduced “GOOD STOCK,” a stylish deli restaurant in Hayama.

The former executive chef of “DEAN&DELUCA” is the chef of this very popular restaurant, which uses a lot of local vegetables in its dishes. The restaurant is very popular among women, and moms and housewives get-togethers are held every day.

GOOD STOCK also have a to-go deli and sell food-related goods, and you can easily wander over to visit.

I highly recommend this place!

Please come and visit Hayama!!


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